New Approach Environmental Studies
New Approach Environmental Studies

New Approach Environmental Studies

by Anshumala and Archana

Subject: Environmental Science

Grade: 4th

Age Group: 8 years +

ISBN: 9789385303821

Edition: 2024

395 355.5

About the book

"New Approach to Environmental Studies' is a series of five books aimed at kindling a genuine interest towards the environment and making our world a better place to live in.

This series is in compliance with the National Education Policy (NEP 2020) and focuses on the development of learning, literacy and life-skills.

  • Let's Recollect reinstates the understanding of the previously learnt concepts and prepares them for more.
  • Relate encourages the child to look around and be aware of the surroundings related to the topics learnt.
  • Did You Know helps the child to know certain facts that they are not aware of.
  • Environment Awareness alerts the children about things they need to take care of the environment.
  • Learning by Doing helps the child to explore and experience through various activities.
  • Find Out fuels the young inquisitive minds to venture out to the unknown and dig out fascinating trivia.
  • Assessment Sheets have been provided to help students gauge their learning and understanding of the topics learnt from time to time.